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337. Creating a High Vibe, Maintaining Momentum, & Mural Meetups

I’ve decided that this year I am kicking it INTO GEAR for the 4th quarter, and in this week’s podcast episode I’m sharing with you exactly what that means...

How can you create a high-energy vibe for your life and business?

How can you use that vibe and energy to gain momentum, and then maintain it throughout the week, month, quarter, or year?

Let’s dive into everything surrounding the topic of kicking our butts into gear to crush our goals!

Listen to this week’s episode to hear all the ways I’m doing this in my own life and business.

ALSO, here are the locations and dates for the upcoming 2025 Mural Meetups:

  • Costa Rica - Jan 6-13
    10 spots available
    Spray class taught by Kole Trent
  • Tulum, Mexico - Jan 20-25
    8 spots available
  • Barcelona, Spain - March 10-14 - $100K Club Meetup
    Invite Only
  • St. Croix, Virgin Islands - April 1-5
    15 spots available
  • Springfield, Missouri - June 5-6
    15 spots available

Listen to the details and go HERE to see all the Mural Meetup info.

Upcoming Birthday Specials:

  • 35% off the 1-Year Artist Academy Membership
  • 35% off the Lifetime Membership to the Artist Academy + Coaching with me for a year!

Keep a lookout for the email shouting out when the birthday specials go live!


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