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335. Airbrush Window Painting - Prepare to be Inspired by Mish [Michelle Poli]

This week’s episode features Michelle Poli, or, as you may know her, Paint by Mish. We get into some very real talk about what it’s like getting started with painting windows, including how to pitch yourself, what supplies to use, and how to price.

Michelle was inspired by window painting master Scot Campbell (aren’t we all?!), who came on the podcast in previous years. Listen to Scot’s episode here 👉 Window Painting with Scot Campbell - Replay

I’ve never tried using an airbrush but plan to in the near future, so I had all the logistical questions ready for Michelle. She happily answered them and SO MUCH MORE.

Listen to hear all of her tips and tricks for window painting—not just this holiday season, but year-round!


Mentioned in this episode:

Airbrush Gun: Iwata Eclipse
Airbrush Paint: Createx


50% Complete

Two Step

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