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330. Personal/Mental/Health Related Things That Make Or Break My Business Productivity

This week’s episode of the Artist Academy Podcast is all about the things that influence my art business but are not exactly business-type tasks. It’s no coincidence that when my non-work life is in check, my productivity seems to be at its highest. Things like personal, mental, and health-related obstacles can dent my goals, and they definitely have done so this year.

I’m not much into opening up about personal issues. I’d rather stay very positive and business-oriented, but I think shining a light on things outside of work, and showing how they can be beneficial to the numbers $$$ I’m able to produce every month, makes a good point when it comes to taking care of the rest of life.

It’s kind of like the phrase, “Happy wife, happy life,” but rather, “Happy life, happy business.” Listen to hear the obstacles I’ve been thrown this year and how I’m overcoming, moving on, and using them to better my business.


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