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322. Ana the Artist: A Young Muralist Making Waves

I’m declaring this week "Up-and-Coming Young Artist Week." I recently sat down with a couple of relatively new muralists who have a lot of spirit, and I think you’ll enjoy hearing their stories.

This episode features 23-year-old muralist Ana Gabriele Honsowetz, aka Ana the Artist. She shares her journey into full-time creativity and the hoops she has to jump through to make muraling a profitable career. Hearing that this young artist is making five figures per mural kind of blew me away. We chat about her pricing strategies and where exactly Ana is getting jobs within her community.

One of the main takeaways is how her outgoing personality gives her a leg up when pitching ideas. She has this "I’ll just figure it out" attitude that has really served her well. It’s fun to see someone following their passion early in life, even if it’s not the easiest route. Let me know what you think of this week’s episode with Ana the Artist.


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